I have been having a week from hell and because of being an emotional wreck i blew up at my sister when she said something very hurtful and i sent a long really horible message to her on myspace. i desperately dont want her to read it so i deleted my myspace profile because i figured sometimes in the past when people sent me messages and then their profile was deleted the message was blank and said, "this profile has been deleted." will that prevent her from reading it? I feel bad but someone very very very close to me is in the hospital and might have brain damage causing their personality to be permanentlhy changed in a horrible way, my hours just got cut so badly im down thousands of dollars a month and now cant pay my bills, and my husband got called out of town so im alone to deal with all this so when my sister said, "you think your better than everybody. but your pathetic." i snapped. im so worried about the things i said.