I have been noticing that everytime I log into my, myspace and when I have a new message it doesn't show a alart of a new message in the alart box that I have like two messages in my index box. I know sometimes when you go into your mail box but if you don't read your mail right then and then you go back into you myspace another time I know it doesn't show a new message in the alart box.Also if someone sends me a message and I sign on mypsaceIM it doesn't come up like a not a notifications alart tab saying I have a new message, I do have all my notifications turned on for like new messages, new friends, all those things. But on the top tool bar where it says home and mail, it will say mail (2) but it won't have an alart for a new message on the alart box. I did change my password so it can't be someone getting into my , myspace. Does anyone know why the alart box isn't showing that I have a new message?